Czech Employee card
If you found a job and want to work in the Czech Republic, you need to obtain an employee card. Pexpats help you with the entire process.
We prepare all the paperwork for your employment card in the Czech Republic and support you through every step of the process. Most employee cards are issued in 3-4 months.
What’s in your Employee Card Package?
- Arranging your appointment at the embassy
- Complete preparation of your paperwork
- Complete arrangement of your biometric data process once your residency is approved
- Booking of all appointments
- Support in-person
- Accompanying you for the biometrics appointment and collection
- Fast and clear answers to all your questions
What you need to provide
- Passport
- Your employment contract
- Two (2) ID-sized photos*
- Proof of your legal accommodation in the Czech Republic for the next 2 years (e.g. your rental contract, ownership deed, or proof of accommodation form from your landlord)**
*Photos should be in colour and 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm with a white background.
**If you’re renting, then please make sure that all documents are signed by the legal owner of the property. If you don't have an accommodation document we can arrange it for you for an additional fee.
- Book your appointment with us;
- Meet at our offices and bring all the documents you need to provide;
- We prepare and check all documents needed for your application;
- Apply in person at the Czech embassy;
- Your residency is approved! We book an appointment and come with you to provide your biometric data;
- Your new employee card is ready!
- We come with you to pick it up!
13,900 Kč
Complete service amount
"Good work ain't cheap. Cheap work ain't good." Sailor Jerry
Additional expenses
5,000 Kč
Czech Embassy processing fee