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Work Conditions - Leave and Holidays in the Czech Republic

Learn which days and events employees receive off in the Czech Republic through statutory paid work leave and holiday allowance.

Paid Work Leave and Paid Holidays in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, under Labor Law 590/2006 sb, employees receive time off with pay for various circumstances. There is both statutory paid work leave, and paid holiday allowance.
Statutory work leave with pay is calculated separately from vacation days. Employees receive 21 workdays holiday entitlement total and also get paid work leave for life circumstances and national holidays.
Read on for a summary of paid work leave and holiday allowance in the Czech Republic. We share the statutory conditions for paid time off, national holidays, and vacation time for employees.

Conditions for Paid Work Leave in the Czech Republic

First, let’s begin with the types of work leave provided by law to employees working under an employment contract in the Czech Republic. The Labor Code provides time off for various life circumstances such as doctor visits, weddings, maternity/paternity leave and more.
Employees receive both statutory paid work leave along with their annual holiday entitlement. These days are counted separately, so let’s look at the difference now - starting with the conditions for statutory paid leave.

1. Work Leave for Doctor Visits

An employee is entitled to paid work leave to visit a medical professional in the following cases.
  • The visit relates to work conditions or is requested by the employer.
  • It’s a mandatory health examination for the Ministry of Health.
  • The employee has an appointment for any type of vaccination.
  • There are scheduling conflicts with normal working hours.
  • The employee must accompany a family member.
Employees should always visit the doctor closest to their place of work or residence and with whom they are insured. Work leave for doctor’s visits only covers time in the actual appointment. It does not include travel time.

2. Time Off for Blood Donation

The Labor Code also provides employees time off for donating blood. Blood donors in the Czech Republic receive one day work leave with pay after a procedure. If circumstances require more than 24 hours time off, employees must provide confirmation from a medical professional.
Employees also receive time off for donating other biological materials. For all donations, there are 2 days work leave with pay allowance. Employees can extend these up to a maximum of 4 days total.

3. Marriage Leave

In the Czech Republic, employees receive paid work leave for their own wedding or the wedding of their child. In the case of the employee’s wedding, they receive two days paid work leave. If it’s the wedding of a child, there is a one-day entitlement.
There is no time off for weddings of extended family or friends.

4. Work Leave for Childbirth

There is also work leave entitlement for new childbirth. Time off for employees here covers transportation to / from the hospital for the expecting parent. There is no paid work leave allowance for participating during the birth.

5. Bereavement Leave

Employees receive Bereavement Leave at the time of death or funeral of a member of the employee’s family. Leave entitlement varies from immediate family to extended family.
  • Employees receive 3 days work leave for the death or funeral of an immediate family member (spouse or child).
  • In the case of the death or funeral of an extended family member (parent, grandparent, brother/sister), employees receive 1 paid day work leave. If making funeral arrangements, an additional day is provided.

6. Leave due to Transport Problems

If an employee has complications arising due to transportation, employees receive one day paid work leave. The employee must experience problems due to public transportation and not having any alternative transportation available.
Employees may extend work leave due to transport problems for a maximum of one more day (2 paid days total).

7. Work Leave for Professional Development

Paid work leave for professional development includes any training, qualification or cultural activities during working hours. This covers workshops, certification, or any work to develop skills relating to the job.

8. National Holidays and Days Off

In 2022, the Czech Republic observes the following national holidays and days off.
  • 1 January – New Year's Day
  • 2 April – Good Friday
  • 5 April – Easter
  • 1 May – May Day
  • 8 May – Liberation from Fascism
  • 5 July – Saints Cyril and Methodius Day
  • 6 July – The Burning at the Stake of Jan Hus
  • 28 September – Czech Statehood Day
  • 28 October – Establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic
  • 17 November – Freedom and Democracy Day
  • 24 December – Christmas Eve
  • 25 December – Christmas Day
  • 26 December – Christmas Day

9. Paid Sick Days in the Czech Republic

In case of the employee’s illness or ordered quarantine due to Covid 19, employers have the right to pay by so-called “Alternative Salary”. Alternative salary is calculated at 60% of the average gross salary for the calendar year.
All alternative salary allowances do not have a maximum limit, meaning employers can choose to pay higher than average or full salary.

However, if the sick leave lasts more than 14 days consecutively, the employee should apply for support through the state.
In this case, Czech Social Security Offices confirm the employee’s illness through a General Practitioner (GP). The GP will determine the amount of sick days necessary, which Social Security will then cover for the remainder of the employee’s absence from work.

Paid Holiday Entitlement in the Czech Republic

As of January 1st, paid holiday entitlement in the Czech Republic is now calculated in hours instead of days. A typical holiday allowance for employees working under an employment contract is approximately 4 weeks annually. Holiday entitlements may be longer if the employee and employer make a collective agreement.

For certain groups of workers (public administration, autonomous public bodies, contributory organizations), there is a 5-week entitlement. Other groups (teachers and academic staff) receive 8 weeks.
Employees receive a holiday allowance after working for at least 60 days. However, if the employee performs for a shorter time, they can take 1/12 of the total annual leave entitlement. Holiday periods are determined by agreement between the employer and the employee (or trade union). Every employee can take at least two consecutive weeks of paid holiday.

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How to Calculate Paid Vacation Time

There are now two factors to calculate total paid vacation time for employees in the Czech Republic. The first factor is how long the employee has worked for the employer. The second is total annual working hours.
If an employee takes for example one day off, they now deduct 8 hours from their total holiday allowance. How much paid vacation time remains depends again on the employment status of the employee.

Now, this might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, we’ve created a simple, free calculator to help employees find out their total holiday entitlement. Simply fill out a few fields, and our calculator provides the exact hours of paid vacation you have remaining.

Try Pexpats’ Free, Paid Holiday Calculator

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